I often reply under Japanese posts, and I always assume users will use a translator as I do, but maybe in the context of a Japanese instance or conversation this may look rude?
If you answer in the language you know best, it’ll be easier to others to understand or translate, especially if it’s English.
You could translate your message to match the language of the comment, but if you don’t know the language, how can you know if it conveys your message correctly?
Overall, I’d say it depends on the specific community. If you try to inject yourself into a conversation in a Japanese language community, it may indeed come off as rude or ignorant.
The best solution may be to post in both languages?
This seems very rude. I see foreigners do this all the time. they take over subreddits that aren’t designed for them.
I guess, you could try to reply in Esperanto,it’s most non offensive language I know.
Yeah, that way nobody will understand it
I’d say, personal preference. There will always be some people that are going to be annoyed by it.
We lack a translate button. Rednote and weibo have translate buttons. We need that.
Also ich würde behaupten, dass es in der Tat nicht sehr cool ist einfach in einer anderen Sprache zu antworten.
Generally Japanese posters enjoy knowing they have fans overseas! And it’s better to type what you intend than attempt to type in a language you cannot speak. It doesn’t look rude at all though~
I would be a little careful of words with opposite meanings though or idioms. Like “that song is sick” or “that’s tight”. Be direct with your post so the auto translator can pick it up properly.
Honestly though, I think it depends on the context. I think it’s generally OK on open multilingual platforms especially with mixed audiences.
I see lots of English comments on Japanese vocaloid videos, for example, and I think most content creators enjoy having fans from abroad.
Ich_iel gets “mad” about it, but when they say “sprich Deutsch” just respond with “macht mir” and they get confused.
Don’t do this in !ich_iel@feddit.org
https://feddit.org/post/2221909?scrollToComments=trueI’d be wary about using a translator, even if you use one that accounts for grammar and double meanings like deepL. Tho that’s based on a comment I saw from game developer Katsuhiro Harada. He says he prefers English speaking players just type in English so he can translate himself cause oftentimes the player will translate something incorrectly and confuse him. All in all it really depends on who I guess.
Are you learning japanese? You might enjoy trying. Duolingo has a free tier which is annoying but the annual sub is reasonable if you look for offers.
Firefox will offer translations. On both sides.
Given the choice between not knowing an answer and having to translate it (using a built-in browser) the choice is obvious.
Taking offence is a choice.
For learning japanese I would not recommend Duolingo, people often recommend using The Moe Way, Tae Kim and Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly. I’m just a beginner, but I tried learning with duo and it was not good. Learning using The Moe Way was way more faster and logical
I don’t study Japanese. I suggested the most popular app.
While I agree, the best practice is one you can do regularly. If duo’s gamification helps you keep actively studying, then while maybe not the best way, it’s better than nothing.
Ideally the best use of duo is minimally, as a springboard to keep you doing other more immersive studying.
YouTuber Takashii just uploaded a video of street interviews in Japan on the topic of what tourists should/shouldn’t do in Japan.
at least one person said that in Japan, foreigners should try to speak Japanese. some people might see a Japanese
threadinstance as a little piece of Japan. especially since English language education there is not on a high level.and monolinguals outside the Anglosphere do sometimes complain that their languages are being replaced/invaded by English.
that said, i think fediverse users (if that’s where you’ve been replying) are less xenophobic than general population.
just remember that in Japan if one wants to complain about another’s behavior, it’s common to go to one’s home turf or filter bubble to do so rather than speaking to the offender directly.
I’m not sure about other places, but in mod comments on Nexus it’s fairly standard to just reply in your native language and have the other person translate.
You’ll often see discussions with one half in English and the other in Chinese, for example.
Yeah, this is the way. It’s better to let the other person do the translating, rather than presenting maybe your ideas by using a translator. It would be like running everything you post through an AI first. Best to give as much intent as possible
Je ne pense pas
I don’t think most people would care unless the community rules forbid it. Some might be curious, some might skip it, and you might get a nettouyo being a racist twat every now and again.